Reviewing Professional Development Pro™ Requests (Company Administrators)

When launching a professional development program, you can assign a primary approver, an optional secondary approver, and a reimbursement reviewer to manage requests efficiently. The employee’s manager is typically the primary approver, ensuring the request aligns with role-specific goals. A People Ops or HR contact often serves as the secondary approver to provide additional oversight when needed. The person who runs payroll or someone in finance is usually the reimbursement reviewer for financial accuracy, handling expense verification and approval. However, these roles are flexible, and you can assign anyone who best fits your program’s needs.

Approver and Reviewer Options Available When Creating a Professional Development Program
  1. As a Primary/Secondary Approver or a Reimbursement Reviewer, you’ll receive an email notification when a request is pending your review. You can view any Professional Development requests at any time by logging into Compt, hovering over the Development Admin tab on the left sidebar, and selecting Review Requests.

  1. On the Review page, you will see all submitted Professional Development requests. On the right side of your screen, you can filter your view to the most relevant expenses.

  1. Select the appropriate Status filters to view the expenses you need to review. The filters you should choose will depend on your role below, and any filters you set will remain in place even after you log out.
Click this Status Filter Checkbox If your Professional Development Program Role is
Pre-Approval Requested Primary Reviewer
Partially Approved Secondary Reviewer
Reimbursement Requested Reimbursement Reviewer

  1. To review a request, click on the specific request in the list or click the three dots on the right side of the request to view the details.

  1. For Primary or Secondary Pre-Approval Requests, you will see the documentation provided by the employee and the full details they submitted on their request.

6. After reviewing the request details, select the appropriate status.

Status Details
Approve Select this option if the request meets all requirements. It will then be routed to the secondary approver (if assigned) or the reimbursement reviewer for final approval.
Reject Choose this option if the request should be denied. The funds will be returned to the employee (unless it’s for a case-by-case program), and the employee will receive an email notification advising of the reason for the rejection.
Edit Use this option if you’ve identified an error that can be corrected without rejecting the request. (e.g. Vendor name or another detail)
Comments Tab If you need more information before approving, editing, or rejecting a request, click the Comments tab to message the employee directly. They’ll receive an email notification when you leave a comment. If they reply, you can view their response by returning to the comments tab for that specific request.

  1. As the Reimbursement Reviewer, you’ll see an additional tab labeled Reimbursement Form when reviewing a request. The Request Form tab displays the documentation submitted and approved with the pre-approval request, while the Reimbursement Form tab shows the documents uploaded for reimbursement after the completion date.

    Before approving the Reimbursement Request, you must select the appropriate tax categorization to ensure the expense aligns with the appropriate pay codes when being reimbursed through payroll. If you’re unsure which category to choose, click Tax Checker for guidance. You will see the same approval options listed for Primary/Secondary Approvers above, here as well.

Once a reimbursement request is approved, it will have gone through the full Professional Development Program approval process. It will appear with your other approved stipend expenses under the Compt Stipend Admin Payroll tab to be processed for reimbursement in Payroll.

The employee's expense will be marked as Reimbursed in their My Development Page as soon as it is included in a closed payroll run in Compt.

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