Professional Development Pro™ Community Page (Company Administrators)

Keeping up with professional development opportunities for every role, every department, and every employee? Yeah, that’s a full-time job on its own. And let’s be real—who has time for that? Welcome to the Community Page, an optional feature for companies using Professional Development Pro™. When enabled, it creates a shared knowledge space where employees can review the courses, certifications, and learning experiences they’ve used their professional development funds on.

How It Works

  1. Employees submit a professional development expense for reimbursement.
  2. They leave a quick review of the course, certification, or resource, or learning experience.
  3. Others can browse those reviews to see what’s actually worth their time (and budget).

No more sifting through endless options or taking a wild guess at which courses are useful. Employees can check out what their peers—both inside and outside their company—are learning and make informed decisions about their own development. Because who knows better than people actually doing the job?

Exploring the Community Page: A Closer Look

  • When employees submit their Professional Development Program expenses for reimbursement, they will be prompted to complete an optional review of their learning experience.

  • Employees can click the Community Tab on the left sidebar in Compt where they can access a complete activity feed of reviews. They can search by keywords, filter by industry, and interact with review posts using three reaction emojis: like, love, or insightful.

Save time, share knowledge, and make life easier for your employees, leaders, and HR team—easy peasy, lemon squeezy! 🍋🚀

Curious to learn more? If your company wants to add the Community Page for your team, reach out to your dedicated Compt CSM or email for all the details on our Professional Development Pro™ feature!

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