Delegate Access (Company Administrators)

To Assign an Employee The Delegate Role

1. Go to the Team Tab + Click the employee's name that you would like to have the ability to submit and modify expenses on behalf of assigned team members.2. Click the Compt Roles Tab + Check off the Delegate Option and save changes.

To Assign Team Members To a Delegate

1. Go to the Team Tab

2. Check the box next to the employee(s) that should have a specific delegate assigned to them. Click on Actions

3. Click Assign Delegate

4. You will then be able to select the reviewer (delegate) for the employee and Click Confirm the Assignment.

To Access a Team Member's Account When You Are An Assigned Delegate

1. Go to the Assignments Tab

2. Click "Log in as <employee name>"

3. You will see the banner on the top of the page indicating that you are in their account, and not your own.4. Once you are done, click the release button at the top to sign out of their account and go back to your own.

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