Managing + Editing Stipends (Company Administrators)

Schedule Changes

  1. You can make changes to the name and description of a stipend in the middle of a cycle.
  2. If you want to make changes outside of the name and description (amount, eligibility, etc.), you'll have to schedule the change for the start of the next cycle.

    Note: If you have multiple time zones enabled for your company, you can only schedule changes up until 3 days before the start of the next stipend cycle. If you only have one time zone enabled, you can make changes up until 1 day before the start of the next stipend cycle.

Terminate Your Stipend

  1. When scheduling a stipend to terminate, you are preventing it from starting at its next cycle. This will not affect the instances of the stipend that have been already created. For example, if you terminate an annual stipend in June, it'll prevent it from refreshing in the following January, but your team will still have access to that stipend for the rest of the year.
  2. Similar to scheduling other changes, if you have multiple time zones enabled for your company, you can only terminate it up until 3 days before the start of the next stipend cycle. If you only have one time zone enabled, you can terminate it up until 1 day before the start of the next stipend cycle.
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