Creating + Launching Stipends (Company Administrators)

To create, view, or edit your stipends: Click the Stipends Tab after logging into Compt

Stipend Drafts that are highlighted in yellow give you the ability to edit the stipend, delete it, or schedule the launch date. 

Active Stipends have a white background and will give you the option to edit or terminate the stipend. 

Click on each Stipend type below to learn more:

🔁Recurring Stipends🔁
A stipend that is funded at regular intervals.
🙌Team Recognition Stipends🙌
Team Recognition stipends give eligible team members a budget to recognize other team members.
💰Spot Bonus Stipends💰
These stipends have a default amount of 0 and will not show up for employees until they are given a spot bonus.
🆕New Hire Stipends🆕
A stipend given to new team members shortly after hiring.
🎉Anniversary/Birthday Bonus Stipends🎉
A stipend given annually on the hire date anniversary or birthday.
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