New Hire Eligibility Settings (Company Administrators)

1. Click the Company Settings tab.

2. Click edit under the Funding Eligibility Settings section.

Funding Eligibility Options:

Monthly (1st of month): This setting means that new hires will be eligible for their stipends on the 1st of the following month after their hire date.

For example, if someone is hired on June 15th, they will receive their stipends on July 1st.

Quarterly (1st of quarter): This setting means that new hires will be eligible for their stipends on the 1st of the following quarter after their hire date.

For example, if someone is hired on August 3rd, they will receive their stipends on October 1st.

Minimum days left in month: This setting allows you to enter the number of days left in a month as the cutoff for when new hires will receive their stipend immediately. 

For example, if you set this setting to 15 days left in the month, a new hire who starts between June 1st and June 15th will get their stipends immediately, but someone hired between June 16th and June 30th will get their stipends on July 1st instead.

Immediately upon hire: This setting means all new hires will get their stipends on their hire date.

For example, if someone is hired on June 15th, they will get their stipends on June 15th.

Number of days from hire date: This setting allows you to set how many days after a new hire's hire date that they receive their stipends.

For example, if you set the setting to 30 days, someone hired on June 1st will receive their stipend on July 1st.

Other Important Considerations:

1. New Hire stipends are always given immediately on a new hire's hire date.

2. Recurring stipends are able to have a custom buffer time that differs from the global setting. Those settings are controlled when creating/editing the recurring stipend and take precedence over the global setting. You can read more about recurring stipends here.

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