Auto-Approving Expenses (Company Administrators)

Auto Approval is a set of features we have put into place to allow expense reviewers to reduce the need to manually review common, recurring, and familiar expenses. These expenses may match a known and common combination of category and vendor or otherwise meet Auto Approval criteria.

How do I set up Auto Approval?

1. Click the Company Settings Tab

2. Click Edit on either of the two Auto Approval Settings:  Auto Approval By Amount Settings or Auto Approval By Vendor Settings

In the Auto Approval by Amount settings window, there are two main sections:

  1. The first section describes how Auto Approval by Amount works.

  2. The second section is a single setting for a feature to auto-approve any taxable expenses less or equal to a specific amount. If you would like to turn this feature on, check the checkbox to enable the setting and enter an amount for the cutoff.

In the Auto Approval by Vendor settings window, there are two main sections:

  1. The first section describes how Auto Approval by Vendor works.
  2. The second section contains a set of categories and vendors that can be enabled to auto-approve matching expenses. Inside each category are many vendors that we have identified through usage data as the most common across all customers.

(NOTE: When an expense is submitted, if the combination of vendor and category both match a combination checked off in the Auto Approval Settings, the expense itself will move to the View Auto-Approved Expenses section of the Payroll screen until it is processed into a payroll report)

Am I able to spot-check or update an expense that has been Auto-Approved?

Yes! You can view your auto-approved expenses by clicking on the Payroll Tab. 

  1. Click the View Auto-Approved Expenses button 

    2. If you would like to reject or recategorize any of these expenses click the folder icon next to the expense under the details column. 

All Auto-Approved Expenses will automatically be added when you run payroll. 

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