Bulk Uploads (Company Administrators)

Uploading a Team List

(For your first upload to add all employees or for updates for specific employees)

  1. Click the Team Tab in Compt
  2. Click the green Upload Team Info button on the top left corner of the screen

  1. Click the Download Team List (CSV) button

  1. Make sure you include the employee information in the required fields of the template, specified in row 2. (When uploading, you do not need to include row 2.)

  1. Click Choose File to upload the list you completed

  1. Click Upload File

  2. The updates will now be added to the Compt team list. In order for each person to receive their stipends, you will then need to invite the employee(s) (if you do not have the auto-invitation feature turned on). 

    To Invite the Employee to use Compt: 

    Click the checkbox next to their name > Click the green Actions button > Click Send Invitation

    You also have the ability to send invitations to all employees at one time:

    1. Go to the Team Tab

    2. Click the checkbox next to the Name column to select all employees

    3. Click Select all XXX team members on the top left

    4. Click Actions
    5. Click Send Invitation 

Editing Your Existing Team List

  1. Click the Team Tab in Compt
  2. Click Download Team List (CSV)

  3. Access the Downloaded CSV file
  4. Make any necessary edits
  5. Click the green Upload Team Info button on the top left corner of the screen

  6. Click the Choose File to upload the list you completed

  1. The updates will now be added to the Compt team list. In order for each person to receive their stipends, you will then need to invite the employee(s) (if you do not have the auto-invitation feature turned on). 

Click here to see how to Invite an employee to Compt after you have added them to the team list. 

Bulk Upload Settings

When you complete a Bulk Upload, you have the option to deactivate team members from the list if they aren't on the new list that you are uploading. This feature can be managed on the Company Settings Tab. Click Edit under Bulk Upload Settings and you will have the ability to update this functionality. 

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