Managing your Team (Company Administrators)

On the Team Tab, you can select one or more employees and do the following:

  1. Send Invitation
  2. Activate
  3. Deactivate
  4. Assign Reviewer
  5. Assign Delegate
  6. Preview Stipends
  7. Funding Correction
  8. Give Spot Bonus
  9. Add to Group

* Groups can be used to create stipends for which only certain types of employees are eligible. To set up groups, contact us at*

Click on Stipend Admin and then click Team.

Check the box next to the team member(s) name(s) and click Actions in the upper left-hand corner. Click on the corresponding action you'd like to complete.

On the team page, you can easily make edits by clicking a field and adding/removing/replacing the text.

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